Saturday, 10 October 2009

NCT Sale

We have just returned from our first and possibly our last NCT sale. It caught us a bit off guard as we pulled into Waitrose car park to see a queue of pregnant ladies as far as the eye could see along Godalming high street. Still, we managed to get in and bought a couple of items. One bouncer by Chicco and a front baby carrier from Tomy, both at very reasonable prices. However now we are thinking that we don't want them. We think a simple bouncer for the baby would be better and we also like the look of the Baby Bjorn front carriers.

I had a little scare yesterday....when asked by Ursula if I could pop into Guildford with her and just wait in the car for a couple of minutes whilst she changed an item in Mothercare, I wasn't expecting her to be gone half an hour. I had tried her mobile phone at least 5 times during this period. So what would any normal person think......maybe she's having the baby in Mothercare! I quickly bought a car parking ticket and hurried off to look for her. As I was entering the shop, out pops Ursula casually smiling with about three bags. Minor panic over. (It's never a couple of minutes).

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