Thursday, 18 February 2010

February round up

So this month Noah was 4 months old and daddy, believe it or not, was 29 years old.

To celebrate daddy bought himself a Big French Fancy. He is eating it all by himself! Here he is guarding it!

He reckons by putting his slice on a dinner plate it will make it look like a small piece.

Noah is now 4 months old and weighs about 16lb. He laughs, squealing with delight, smiles lots and loves having a book read to him. His new favourite thing is to stamp up and down with his little marching legs...particularly on the top of his changing station with his bare feet and naked! Very liberating!

He likes being on his tummy for a short time now and can lift his head and shoulders confidently. He also likes doing little sit ups and can be pulled up into a sitting position. Sometimes he even pushes up with his legs to stand. He pays a lot of interest in his toys and reaches and grasps them easily and smiles at them.

Noah still loves his bath times but they have changed from a relaxing soak into an opportunity to have a lively kick around. He likes it when we squeeze water from the sponge over his toes and he lifts his little feet up to feel the water.

Noah has now developed a pattern which suits him of sleep, eat and activity and which generally entails being awake for 1 hour 30 minutes, followed by a nap of about 1 hour. He has a bath at around 6.15, a feed and is then usually in bed by 7. He will wake up for a feed at 8 and then again at 10. He was waking at 3am, but has recently started waking at 1am and 4 am for a feed. He is very good though and has his milk and then settles straight to sleep again. He usually gives us our morning wake up call about 6.30/7am.