Friday, 12 November 2010

1 year and 1 month statistics

Height: 79cm - 91st centile
Weight: 11.12kg/24.7lb - 83rd centile

Noah can sit, crawl, stand holding on, stand alone for a few seconds, walk holding on, take a few steps, grabs things, drop things, pulls things, plays with hair, points, tries to put things on top or in something, feeds with fingers and a spoon, is starting to be able to load spoon, waves, claps, gives himself a head massages, opens and closes things and cupboards, play hide and seek, plays chase around the room, holds out his hand with bubbles on for us to blow, smiles, laughs, babbles, copies noises, say 'dog', 'clock' and 'book' and gives cuddles!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Toddling along the streets in the West End of Edinburgh

Going for a walk along the streets of Edinburgh near where we live. For a short moment Noah takes a break from insisting that he climb every set of steps he sees. Perhaps this is because he missed them because his hat covered his eyes.

New reins!

So here we have it! Testing out his new reins in John Lewis without any care for all the busy shoppers who are rushing around doing Christmas shopping...yes I know it's only October!

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Games, Walking and Comedy

This week the Fringe festival started and Grandy came to visit. On Thursday Mummy, Grandy and Noah went down to Crammond for a powerwalk with a nice refreshing apple juice midway at a little old fashioned cafe by the beach. Noah and Grandy could not resist dipping their toes in the sea.

On Thurday evening mummy and daddy kissed Noah goodnight and waved goodbye to Grandy and went out for a yummy dinner at a vegetarian restaurant in Edinburgh called Black Bos. What choices for mummy! After dinner and dessert we went to watch the Military Tattoo and saw a fine display of Military Parades and Highland Dancing.

On Friday Grandy, Noah and Mummy went to the Dean Gallery which was showing a exhibititon of surrealist artists including Dali.

Yesterday, Daddy, Mummy and Noah went to the Inverkeithing Highland Games where we saw competitive running, cycling, Highland dancing and caber tossing. We arrived at the games and put up our tent and settled ourselves for a day full of events and cake eating. For Grandy the lure of the Impressionist Gardens at the Gallery complex proved to strong and she enjoyed the day perusing the artwork....and has gone back for more today!

Last week we got Noah a farm truck which he loves. This morning our backs both sighed in relief as Noah no long needs us to hold him up. Hurrah and phew!

This evening, Daddy and Mummy areoff to see Jason Manford whilst Grandy looks after Noah.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Today we have been swimming at Leith Waterworld. Its a great pool for kiddies as it is nice and warm with a sloping beach. Noah loved splashing around, kicking his legs and jumping the waves when the wave machine came on.

After a bite to eat at Pizza Express it was back to our apartment for tea and short bread, a nap for the boys and then more fun and games. Noah is crawling everywhere now and is particularly attracted to all the things he should not have such as cables, the remote control the telephone. He has also been pulling himself up to standing and wrestling with daddy and Gerard the dog.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Grandad visits Edinburgh!

It was a lovely to see Grandad yesterday. He was invited to St Andrews to watch the golf and stopped off in Edinburgh overnight to see us. We played games and read stories and when the little man went to bed, we enjoyed fish pie (lentils for me) and a box of chocolates.

Happy birthday Pops!!!

Happy birthday Pops!!!

Watch this to find out where you can find your pressie!

Love from Scott, Ursula and Noah X X x

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Friday, 2 July 2010

A day of music and art

Today we visited the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.

The grounds of the Gallery are lovely and I particularly liked seeing the Henry Moore sculpture.

Noah however prefers natures sculpture and was facinated by the trees, leaves and daisys.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Scottish adventures

We are currently adventuring in Edinburgh. We have a beautiful apartment in the upmarket West End of the city, just a short stroll from Prince's Street. Edinburgh is a fabulous place to have adventures, it broadly comprises of the Georgian New Town and the Gothic Old Town with Prince's Street Gardens running through the middle

Noah and mummy like travelling to Edinburgh by train. Here Noah is enjoying his lunch.

Noah loves to play, laugh and have fun. He is now sitting confidently and loves rocking back and forth on his hands and knees. He does 360 degree circles on his tummy and can move great distances backwards.

Noah and daddy love messing about together. Here is Noah teaching daddy a thing or two! Still, daddy can't help showing off and going the extra mile with his 'scissors'!

You may have noticed how much Noah has grown. He loves his dinners. He especially finger foods and feeding himself with his spoon. He likes most fruit and veg and also likes chicken, fish and tofu. Mummy cooks him lovely yummy meals.

He is a determined little fella and lets us know what he wants. Today he was wrestling mummy for the spoon. He won....but also flicked a good dollop of watercress soup on himself...ok, it may be a bit thick but he liked it...mummy's special recipe!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

February round up

So this month Noah was 4 months old and daddy, believe it or not, was 29 years old.

To celebrate daddy bought himself a Big French Fancy. He is eating it all by himself! Here he is guarding it!

He reckons by putting his slice on a dinner plate it will make it look like a small piece.

Noah is now 4 months old and weighs about 16lb. He laughs, squealing with delight, smiles lots and loves having a book read to him. His new favourite thing is to stamp up and down with his little marching legs...particularly on the top of his changing station with his bare feet and naked! Very liberating!

He likes being on his tummy for a short time now and can lift his head and shoulders confidently. He also likes doing little sit ups and can be pulled up into a sitting position. Sometimes he even pushes up with his legs to stand. He pays a lot of interest in his toys and reaches and grasps them easily and smiles at them.

Noah still loves his bath times but they have changed from a relaxing soak into an opportunity to have a lively kick around. He likes it when we squeeze water from the sponge over his toes and he lifts his little feet up to feel the water.

Noah has now developed a pattern which suits him of sleep, eat and activity and which generally entails being awake for 1 hour 30 minutes, followed by a nap of about 1 hour. He has a bath at around 6.15, a feed and is then usually in bed by 7. He will wake up for a feed at 8 and then again at 10. He was waking at 3am, but has recently started waking at 1am and 4 am for a feed. He is very good though and has his milk and then settles straight to sleep again. He usually gives us our morning wake up call about 6.30/7am.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

One year gone and the start of another

The first weekend of the New Year was marked with our first wedding anniversary. A year ago we got married at St Mary's Church, Orchardleigh, we then went on honeymoon, moved house and had a baby! Wow! How much more excitement can be fit into one year! Our friend, Stuart, decided to dabble in a bit of oil painting and painted our Church for us as his first painting. Rather fabulous don't you think!

Both last week and this week Noah and mummy have been snowed in. It has been the longest coldest spell in 30 years. Since daddy works in Godalming daddy was still able to get to work. The views from our house are wonderful and the back garden looked absolutely magical.

Despite all the snow, last weekend we were visited by the adventurous Burden family who decided to embark upon the challenge of driving from St Albans to Surrey...and no they don't have a 4x4 either! They made it in the car almost all the way but had to ditch the car at the bottom of South Hill and trek the rest of the way up with baby Hazel leading the way.

This was the first time the six of us had met up with babies rather than bumps. Hazel and Noah were born on the same day only two hours apart. Unfortunately in different hospitals though so Julia and mummy could not keep each other company. The kids played it cool when they first met on another...trying to appear uninterested. However, they could not resist a bit of footsie later.

Noah has also been engaging in a bit of sneaky thumb sucking. Caught in the act!

Noah is getting bigger and stronger everyday. He is smiling, laughing, cooing and squealing. He loves to kick his legs and has even managed to kick a sock off!