Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Noah was 6 weeks old this week and, for a 6 week old, has had a very busy week.

Last Sunday Noah met Auntie Lea and Uncle John properly as they popped in to visit on the way back from London. They had spent the weekend in London to celebrate their anniversary and John's 30th birthday. Noah is looking forward to meeting cousin Zaak on Boxing Day, if not before.

During the week Noah and mummy went to the Dr to have 'The Six Week Check'. All is well and the Dr described Noah as ' very robust'. Noah was weighed and is now 12lb 2 1/2oz (his birth weight was 7lb 14). He is 59cm long (so has grown 4 cm in 3 weeks).

On Wednesday Grandy came down and Noah and mummy had lots of fun. On Thursday Auntie Lara joined the party! Noah loves his Grandy and Auntie Lara visiting and has been smiling lots. Noah can now turn his head and focus on his hands (he looks puzzled as to what they are). He also has found that his left thumb is quite nice to suck!

Friday night was the start of the weekend! Yay! But why go out for a night on the town when you can stay in and play on Monkey Island with daddy!

On Saturday Grandma and Pops came to visit. Noah smiled so much at Pops and was very pleased to see him. Little did Noah know that Pops was plotting to wake him when he drifted into a very peaceful and long afternoon nap which can only be described as the 'Kelland Kip' inherited also by daddy. Pops shortly joined him...waking only occasionally to put in his requests for the Christmas dinner that Grandma and daddy were planning.
This Christmas is going to be mummy and daddy's first Christmas together and this year, of course, will be Noah's First Christmas. We are spending Christmas in Godalming and will be joined by Grandma, Pops and Uncle Ads. The Martiniussen side of Noah's family tree will visit the day after Boxing Day. Overshadowing the event of the turning on of the Godalming Christmas lights was the drawing of SECRET Santa! Kellands...note the emphasis on SECRET!

Later on Saturday evening daddy, mummy and Noah went for a walk into Godalming. It was cold and rainy so Noah and mummy wanted to wrap up warmly! Auntie Lara bought Noah this outfit and it was the perfect thing to wear (even if his arms and legs don't quite reach the ends yet!)

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Out of the Number 2s!

The weekend started very well with Noah briefly meeting Auntie Lea and Uncle John on Friday evening...well at least they met him as he was asleep at the time.

On Saturday Noah, mummy and daddy went for a nice walk into Godalming, just about missing the rain. Noah wore the fashionable combination of a new grandma knitted hat and Auntie Pauline knitted jacket. Daddy spent a long time in the sweet shop and the party shop.

The long saga over the carry cot has finally ended and we now have a fully operational travel system in our chosen colour of mulberry.

Noah has also grown out of his 0-3 month clothes and has moved swiftly into the 3-6 month range, which is a slight problem as we only have 3 outfits currently in stock. Daddy accidentally saw to the fourth one we had by dropping 3 glasses beside it. An urgent online shop is required.

On the nappy front, we are out of the size 2s and into the 3s.

Today is Sunday and this afternoon Noah and Daddy enjoyed spending some boy time together.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

11lb 11.5oz!

Yesterday Noah and mummy went for their first walk on their own to the Mill Medical practice to meet the health visitor. Noah was weighed and came in at 11lb 11.5oz which at 5 weeks old and a birth weight of 7lb 14oz means that he is having good hearty meals and has tendancy to over indulge as evidenced in this photo.

The health visitor plotted Noah's weight on the chart (see the faint 3 dots). It looks like he has been having a growing spurt since the day he was born. It certainly seems like that from mummy's perspective!

Noah and mummy walked back home very happy and then Noah lay in his bouncer where he had a little chat with mummy about the day's events. Mummy was especially happy when Noah gave her a little smile (unfortunately mummy was not quick enough with the camera)!

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Christmas Potatoes

We've been taking Noah for walks in the travel cot over the weekend. Below is a picture of him fitted out in an outfit knitted by Grandma. Today we spent about 3 hours out of the house which was good, during which Noah had his first feed away from the house at Costas.
It's amazing how much he is changing. He's beginning to take in more and more each day and pushing his head up off my chest as high as he can, kind of like a turtle.
Christmas at ours this year so big responsibilty on my shoulders to get the Christmas dinner right. Let myself down last year with the potatoes and had to be rescued by AP so determined not to let myself down again this year. A little low on confidence with my roasties as I still haven't got on top of our fan oven. Seems to cook everything far to fast so thought I'd have a practice today and decided to cook the roasties in the top oven (no fan). The majority turned out reasonable so might have to play the numbers game at Christmas.

Monday, 2 November 2009

More Stats

We had a visit from the Health Visitor (HV) this afternoon. She measured Noah's weight, length and head circumference and also checked his hearing. These are the results which have been taken at 20 days old:

Weight: 9lbs 14.5oz

Length: 55cm (22in.)

Head Circumference: 37.5cm

Hearing: Both left and right ear are fine.

Both Ursula and Noah are making an excellent team and his weight gain is extremely healthy. The HV is totally happy with the way things are going and the next appointment will be in 2 weeks time.

We gave Noah his first bath yesterday. we were expecting Noah to take a disliking to the water but he actually enjoyed himself. No problems getting in. Towelled him off and we now look forward to giving him another bath tomorrow.